前二天親愛的跟我講了一件事, 我覺得很有趣,
我才忽然體會到, 原來...人家在說的, 什麼愛在曖昧不明時是最美的,
當我現在回想起那時候的感覺, 的確是.
雖然那時候很痛苦, 但當現在收成後往回看, 卻是一段可敬的記憶,
這樣講好像怪怪的. 還是要叫刻骨銘心?
真的很不會形容, 我是個很容易觸景傷情的人吧,
每當心情不好時, 就會想騎著車到沒有盡頭的地方,
前幾天, 我就騎車騎了好長好一段路, 騎到了某段路,
我想起那時候的你我, 你騎著我第一次看你騎的那台小綠,
載著我, 講著那時我還聽不太懂的話.......
一年了, 去年的此時, 我正陷入一種瘋狂悲傷的情緒......
不知道要怎麼去制止, 完全沒輒.......只會哭而已....
那時候 James Morrison 的歌, 陪著我度過那一段難熬的失戀期,
我每天寫著部落格, 你每天看著, 問我到底想得到什麼......
真的是很奇妙, 現在反而覺得很珍惜有那一段的過往,
有這些過往, 才會懂得如何去成長, 然後更珍惜現在,
或許這就跟你也很珍惜之前的那一段一樣, 或許.....
寫成一本故事送給你, 當然後來因為懶惰也忙而做罷.......
如果有朝一日, 有機會, 我會記得曾經有這麼一件想做的事,
到現在, 我還是很常睡前聽著 James Morrison的這張專輯,
剛好發行了一年, 喜歡這張更甚於第一張, 或許也是因為,
我只要聽到, 就會想起很多過往的畫面, 那樣的心情還會浮現,
即使是現在已經在一起了, 只要聽到一樣, 失戀的心情依然會出現,
很奇妙, 不是嗎?
我非常的喜歡Precious Love這首歌, 它說愛是很珍貴的,
然後你出現了, 站在我站的地方, 牽起來我,
告訴我怎麼為自己再重生, 謝謝你拉了我一把,
以前我不知怎麼生活, 遇到你後現在我知道了....
這真是非常珍貴的愛, 它教了我所有的事....
以上是非常爛的中文翻譯, 下面再附上英文歌詞好了,
這首歌真的非常棒, 很喜歡這個live版本, James Morrison的聲音我真是非常喜歡....
I was so lost, didn't know what to do with myself,
I was my own worst enemy, I was lost and oh I needed help,
Then you came along, and saw what state I was in,
You picked me up, when I was down,
Showed me how to live again.
I say thank you, for pulling me through,
I'm a lucky man,
I didn't know what life was
But now I understand,
This is precious love, its precious love
No I can't let it go,
This is precious love, and its teaching me,
Everything I need to know,
This is precious love, oh its precious love
No I cant get enough,
Oh I'm down on my knees begging you please,
To gimmie more of that stuff.
Love, love, love, love, love, precious love
Oh its love, love, love, love, love, precious love
Oh I got so distracted,
By people all around, whispering sweet nothings,
Filling my head with doubt,
So I gave up, it didn't take long for me to see
The one thing that I was missing, was standing in front of me.
Took you for granted, thought the grass,
As greener on the other side.
I was wrong, and its taken so long
For me to finally realize.
This is precious love, its precious love
No I can't let it go,
This is precious love, and its teaching me,
Everything I need to know,
Oh this is precious love, oh its precious love
No I cant get enough,
Oh I'm down on my knees begging you please,
To gimmie more of that stuff.
I say a prayer and send it to you,
That my heart will always be true
Life wont be the same without you
I say thank you, Mmmm,
I'm a lucky man,
I didn't know what life was
But now I understand,
Oh this is love, love, love, love, love precious love
This is precious love, and its teaching me,
To be a better man,
This is precious love, oh its precious love
No I cant get enough,
Oh I'm down on my knees, it's there that I see
You must be from heaven above,
Yeah its love, love, love, love, love, precious love
- Oct 07 Wed 2009 22:48
Precious Love